Lab and Library on Wheels System



One Stop Ed-Tech

Having identified lack of practical learning, lack of infrastructure, lack of access to electricity, and lack of requisite ed-tech equipment among others as barriers to digital and practical learning in schools in the rural areas, Young at Heart, introduces Lab and Library On Wheels! This facility allows for great learning experiences by connecting students to cost-efficient hardware, interactive and context appropriate software and educational support services.

This system is a one stop ed-tech solution which comprises:

  • A Hybrid Solar Charging Port
  • 1 to 3 Charging Chambers (each with storage capacity of 20 gadgets) 
  • Wide Local Area Network 
  • Safe and Interactive E-learning Suite (Allowing for remote learning through videos, discussion boards and games)
Problem Solution System Provides
High costs associated to a brick and mortar tech lab and library Access to a tech lab and library for only a ¼ of the cost.
Electricity unavailability Solar powered charging cart
Lack of digital gadgets Custom built cost efficient digital gadgets
Lack of access to the internet WLAN which allows for information transfer
Lack of context sensitive e-learning resources Ananse E-learning suite tailored to context sensitive need
Lack of safe interactive platforms for learning among children Safe and interactive platform with impact tracking functionality

Impact so far

Lab and Library on Wheels has overwhelmingly proven to be an effective solution over the past three years in the schools where it has been used. Students’ performance  tracked and measured show the bold strides made.

The components of Lab and Library on Wheels enable students and teachers to have practical lessons on Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics (S.T.E.A.M).


“Because of its interactive and engaging nature , the story based app has increased reading interest and increased their vocabulary and word count. ”  Miss Dzikunu Mawuena, Bonwire M. A Primary School

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